Heartfelt thanks

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“Heartfelt thanks for all your enthusiastic work and for your support of the artists within EVAN. You are always seeking to move forward and expand the community.”

I love the fact EVAN exists

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“I love the fact EVAN exists, it provides a foundation for local artists to get support and develop their work/careers.”

Exciting collaborations

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“I’m working on exciting collaborations with other EVAN members as well as outside the group but which has been a direct result of being a member.”

Improved my confidence

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“It’s given me space to work and exhibit, improved my confidence, created opportunities to meet, work with and learn from other artists.”

Always friendly and welcoming

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“Provided a network of artists involved in a similar venture, always friendly and welcoming; a place to work, show and be in touch with the public.”

Keeps me informed

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“All at EVAN have helped to keep me informed about all aspects of art and culture in the Eden area via emails, Newsletters and online events.”

Given me the opportunity to learn

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“Become more aware of other artists and their work. EVAN has given me the opportunity to learn how to deliver online teaching through Zoom. I’ve learnt about funding, professional advice, projects and events going on in Cumbria and elsewhere.”

Helped me stay artfully active

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“EVAN has helped me stay artfully active. It’s given me opportunities to show and sell my wares through exhibitions and stalls. Being part of EVAN I know if I have an artful query or even just a query, there’s always … Continued

Opened my horizons

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“EVAN helped me move from someone who messed with paint just for his own use, and opened my horizons. Allowing me to leap forward in creativity, technique and embrace learning new methods and big ideas.”