Sarah Taylor

“I have always been fascinated by relationship between people and animals, the subconscious desire to anthropomorphise, to project our human character and emotions onto the animal kingdom. The idea that a wild animal has a wicked sense of humour or an attitude is ridiculous, yet when you look into their eyes you begin to piece together their story, their soul emerges and before you know it, you’ve made a personality that can’t be ignored.”

“I layer multiple colours on top of each other to generate the basic shape and tone of the subject before adding geometric pattern and lines in stark contrast to the splashes”. The patterns bring a strong graphic edge to the paintings and help to define the shadows and highlights that bring the subjects to life. The unusual geometric patterns are based on doodles from Sarah’s sketchbooks by embellishing the paintings such; Sarah creates striking images that you can go back to again and again and always find something new that you hadn’t noticed before.