Jane Firth
I am a fibre artist from the Ullswater valley. Living in an incredibly beautiful area my inspiration comes from both the landscape and the animals around me. I needle felt animal portraits and local landscapes from wool that I have bought from local farmers. This gives them an outlet for fleece that they cannot otherwise sell. I then carry out every process in the creation of my pictures from raw fleece to framed final piece myself.
I am a member of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust and have been needle felting my way through their Watchlist of endangered breeds since 2018 to draw attention to the important work they do in preserving breeds at risk. Many of the endangered sheep breeds are the traditional wool breeds because the rise in synthetic, oil-based fibres has meant a reduced demand for wool. With my sheep portraits, I aim to use the correct wool for the breed to make them authentic. I am also a member of the Hare Preservation Trust, the Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group and the Cumbria Wildlife Trust, representing more species that need protecting and charities that I support with my work. I photograph red squirrels through my studio window and sometimes incorporate their neatly halved hazelnut shells into my pictures.
I have a selection of greetings cards and coasters on my website. Commissions taken.