Jackie Ostle Lewis
After a career in teaching in prisons and secondary schools, it was not until ill health forced retirement that I was able to take up painting. This year I have moved into a studio in The Settlement in Maryport and despite failing health I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life - I WISH that I had done this sooner!
My ancestry is all rural Cumbria but I grew up in the industrial midlands and I think this dichotomy shows in everything I paint and draw. I paint landscapes, animals and people in a variety of media, mostly acrylic, and soft pastel and I love to draw with charcoal. I have a fascination with the Cumbrian pits and quarries, especially those set within their rural landscapes. Above all though, I play, experiment and enjoy - and only with those things I want to - the joys of not having to work any more! I sign my work with my maiden name, Ostle.