Gallery membership
- Gallery members must have current EVAN membership.
- New Gallery members must initially sign up for a minimum of 3 months.
- You must be committed to staff the Gallery for 10 days per year.
- Gallery members must be 18 years of age or over in order to be able to independently do their duty days without any child protection issues.
- Artists are not allowed to change, add or move their work (or anyone else’s) within the Gallery without the express permission of the Gallery curator.
- Artists will be given the opportunity to refresh their work approximately every three months, as well as two open exhibitions per year. Artists are not allowed to change, add or move their work during exhibitions.
Gallery membership fee
The Gallery membership fee is £20 per month and payments should be arranged by direct debit through your bank.
The artwork
You will be able to display up to four 2D pieces of work, or 3D work by arrangement. Artwork should be presented ready to hang/display. If it is to be hung on our hanging system, artwork must have D-rings and be securely strung with picture cord, preferably not with wire. Frames should not be photo/easel type frames ie frames that have a fold out stand on the reverse, or are made of plastic or be vinyl covered. Works not gallery-ready, or not exhibiting good craftsmanship, may be omitted ie clip frames are not appropriate.
The maximum artwork size for both 2D and 3D works is 100cm x 100cm inclusive of the frame and the maximum weight is 15kg. Artwork sizes and weights are maintained to ensure that the curation team can manage the installation, display and safety of the artworks.
All artwork requires a label on the reverse stating artist’s name, artwork title, medium and selling price.
When delivering artwork to the Gallery all packaging should be taken away. Any packaging left at the Gallery will either be re-used or disposed of. Where items being delivered require extra protection before being displayed, please liaise with the Gallery team to find a suitable storage arrangement.
Unframed flat artwork
You are welcome to bring unframed flat work ie mounted prints etc to display in the browsers (max 10 per artist), as well as greeting cards to put in the display stands. We ask that you use common sense in the amount of cards that you bring, being fair to others. Artists are not permitted to have their own personal browsers within the Gallery.
You do so however, at your own risk. We cannot control how items in browsers or card stands are handled by customers and we therefore do not accept any liability for any damage that may occur.
Small items such as jewellery should be discussed with the Gallery Curator how these might be displayed.
Artists are responsible for collecting their artwork on the dates specified for exhibitions or by arrangement with the Gallery team. Works not claimed within 30 days of the end of the exhibit will become the property of EVAN Gallery.
Sale of artwork
EVAN will retain a commission of 15% of the sale price on all items sold. Artists set their own sale prices and in doing so should account for all logistical costs, framing, etc. related to making the work exhibit-ready.
While the artwork will be treated with absolute care by our Gallery team, artists are advised to take out their own commercial insurance to cover their work in transit and during the exhibition period. We do not accept any responsibility for damage to your artwork from accidental damage, damage while hanging or un-hanging the work. We will take appropriate precautions that no damage is done to your artwork in these processes.
Submission of digital images
Images submitted for on-line display should meet the following specifications:
Max file size 1mb (min 300kb) with a resolution of 72dpi. Images should be labelled with your name, title of your artwork and medium used (if relevant). Please ask if you need any advice or help with re-sizing images.
The Gallery will retain submitted images of artwork and reserves the right to use the images in publications and Gallery publicity. Beyond such use, the artist retains full copyright of exhibited work.